a tour through by blogroll: all the M-s
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Now that you’ve met the m-network, and the from A, via F up to the letter L, it’s time to meet some more.
make love not debt
Him and Her are an engaged couple living together in Chicago who blog about their debt, their savings and investment plans and general financial issues that come with being in your 20s and trying to be sensible with money. My favourite posts include:
- (un)happy mothers’ day - parent’s expectations can be difficult to manage, they tend to be easy from the outside, but oh so difficult on the inside
- where to live? urban vs. suburban - I’m a city chick myself, but where do you prefer to live?
Recently I’ve liked:
- questions on talking about money and relationships answered, part 1 - a question and answer session with Sheila Heen
mapgirl’s fiscal challenge
Currently living in Washington DC, although aspiring to move back to California one day, mapgirl writes the on-going saga of her financial adventures with great aplomb. My favourite posts include:
- one reason why I care about personal finance - a good education can teach you a lot, and a privileged education can teach more than you might think about the real world
- could I have died too? - people shouldn’t die of a tooth abscess. Enough said.
- how to save money on your commute - since it involves using a mobile, I’ll state that it should only be done in a safe and legal manner
mighty bargain hunter
In between writing excellent posts on bargains, shopping, investments, and property, the mbh also runs the carnival of debt reduction. My favourite posts include:
- 8 ways to invest in yourself - you probably have 10-20 spare hours a week that you could be investing in yourself, unless of course you’re a blogging geek like me
- would you get a joint savings account with your significant other? - I’m ambivalent on this one, if you are in a committed relationships you should have joint dreams and goals, whether you have a joint account is simply a technicality
- can you do without these holiday expenses? - I think the word I’m looking for here might be “Scrooge”. Seriously though, consider what you need to spend the money on, rather than what you want to spend it on
money and such
My favourite career guru is shadox, the blogger behind money and such. He’s also very keen on capitalism and writes about investing, career improvement and related interesting topics. My favourite posts include:
- got passed up for promotion? now what - sound suggestions offered, I’m hoping to get promoted and I’ll be taking this advice if I don’t get it at the first attempt
- what is a credit crunch? - the biggest fallout in the UK from the US subprime mortgage collapse has been related to the credit crunch (mortgages are not defaulting that much over here)
- fashion belongs in Milan, not in your portfolio - another fan of index funds states the case for not following the fashion trends in investing
money smart life
Ben wants us to use our money to live the life that we want, which doesn’t mean spending everything you have, because in the long run, that won’t make you happy. Now with the added boost of a regular additional contributor, Tina. My favourite posts include:
- financial checkup - find a mentor - it’s useful to have someone challenging you on your finances, I find that all my wonderful commentators help me with this
- 3 investment rules I learned from Texas Hold’em - investment isn’t exactly like gambling, but it’s pretty close as you can see from this post
- you can’t pay for parenting - money can’t make up for the fact that people are missing, so don’t overspend to compensate
Moneyning’s short list of things to do starts with “earn as much money as I can”. Of course, being a sensible sort of chap he eventually wants to put this money to good use so that he only has to work if he wants to. My favourites include:
- why do we read and follow money tips but never become rich - I think it’s because simple and easy aren’t the same thing
- would we really choose to fulfil our dreams once we reach our financial goal? - I reckon most people who want to retire early, don’t really want to, they’d just like the option
- why do people give out free loans to companies by buying their gift cards - great question. I have absolutely no idea
mrs. micah
I would predict great things for mrs. micah, but I don’t want to put a commentator’s curse on her. She’s a writer, maker of ipod cases and other custom pieces (I have one on order) and she has a job testing newborn babies ears. On top of that she runs an excellent personal finance blog. My favourites include:
- saving money courtesy of relatives… (and sales) - sometimes it’s the little things that make our lot better
- myo patchwork full-time job - you know, there are a lot of people that I know who would probably be happier (and possibly wealthier) with this type of employment pattern
- on overcoming fears - how to get over a fear using a few neat little hacks
If you’re a personal finance blogger and you’d like to be on my blogroll, email me and I’ll start subscribing to your feed. If you then post pretty regularly with content that I can recommend I’ll add you after a little while.
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Thanks, plonkee!
There are quite a lot of M-s, aren’t there? 
Thanks for covering one of the best letters of the alphabet!
Thanks for the kind words! (And you’re not the only person to call me a bit of a Scrooge on that post, so I guess that’s what I get.
mbh, you must feel like everyone is just piling on.
Actually, that post did help me to think critically about and re-evaluate my family’s holiday expenses.
You made a very interesting observation “I reckon most people who want to retire early, don’t really want to, they’d just like the option.”
I think, for the most part, this is true, that they are not sure they would actually retire, but would want to have that option.
The thing is, once you get to the point that you COULD retire–it becomes awfully hard to make yourself keep working. (I suppose if you just thought your job was the best thing ever, you would). But I would propose that most people experience day-to-day irritations at work, and if they had enough money would say “I don’t really need to have these irritations in my life!”
Gah. I just realized I never thanked you for the spotlight. I hadn’t realized you reached all the way back into posts from 2006. Yikes.
Thanks for the spotlight. I really appreciate it and I’m so glad you chose DC for your last trip to the US. It was awesome to meet you!