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Archive for May, 2008

could you afford to lose your income?

Insurance is a pretty boring topic, and insurance salesmen are the butt of many jokes. Like many boring things though, insurance is eminently sensible as long as you do it right.
I’ve been reminded lately about the importance of insurance, as I’m suffering a little with my left hand/arm/wrist (I’m a leftie). It’s making it uncomfortable [...]

make choices without being constrained by finances

So, the other day I was talking about how if you’re a stay at home parent, you need to do things to mitigate the financial impact of that choice. It’s not a choice that everyone faces (and I’m one of the people planning to avoid permanently). But, it’s an example of a wider principle.
There [...]

stay at home parenting is costly

The costs of being a stay at home parent are very real, and it is not something to be entered into lightly. When a man decides to stay at home to look after his offspring, he is of course sacrificing his current earning potential. Should he later decide to return to the workforce, after several [...]

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