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Archive for May, 2008

tidying up the site

Over the next week, I’m going to be mostly off work painting my bedroom. It should also give me some time to do some blog tidying up - especially the blogroll.
My blogroll consists of every personal finance blog that I read, or it’s supposed to anyway. If you’re not on there, and you’d like to [...]

thinking about liking jobs

I seem to mention a lot that I enjoy my job. And it’s true. I don’t really love it every day, but 95% of the time it’s great and the other 5% it’s still passable.
What makes me happy about my job?
I work for a good company, it’s actually won awards basically for being a nice [...]

do you think about retirement?

I’m in my late twenties, so it’s about 40 years until I hit state retirement age, and it’s more than 25 years until I reach the age at which I can withdraw any of my pensions. I don’t often think about what retirement might be like, or whether I’ll be able to afford it.
I do [...]

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