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Archive for May, 2008

I should choose frugal over cheap for appliances

Frugal, plonkee, is not the same as cheap. Frugal is being sensible, cheap is taking short term gains for long term pains. And, that’s the lesson that I’m currently learning from my appliances.
I don’t have a microwave or a freezer because they cost money and I’m too cheap to get one. But if I did [...]

what motivates you?

On one of the posts that I highlighted from last year , E.C. from not living on ramen commented:
it’s much harder to maintain motivation when there’s really no end in sight
I think she’s right. I’ve mentioned a few times that I find it hard to get motivated about investing for retirement - it’s just too [...]

this time last year on plonkee money

I know that not everyone has been reading plonkee money for a year. I think that about this time last year I actually worked out how to set up my feeds properly - I started blogging before I knew about the amazing powers of feedreaders, and it showed.
Still, you’re here now, and that’s the [...]

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