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Archive for December, 2007

keeping us on track

Just to keep everyone up to date, this week the carnival of personal finance was at get rich slowly. It’s always interesting to see what the theme is going to be, funnily enough this week it was Christmas related, the naughty or nice edition (if Father Christmas - or his secret spy - is [...]

money minefield at the office Christmas party

We had our work Christmas do a few weeks ago. We were all treated to a meal out by the company - it probably came to about £25 a head. Each department does it’s own thing, so it wasn’t a great surprise the other day to find people glamming themselves up in the restrooms*.
As is [...]

want to find out more about personal finance? try using Stumble Upon

When you are trying to develop your ideas on personal finance, one of the most important things you can do is read a wide variety of opinions. Everyone has a different take on things, and the more widely you read, the better you will be able to form your own judgement on personal finance, and [...]

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