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Archive for July, 2007

nice weather for ducks

Ok, so here in the UK we’ve not had a long, hot summer this year. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me to discover it had rained every day for the last two months. In the official British weather hierarchy, this is the second worst possible state of weather - it would only be worse if it was also really cold. 
We [...]

five personal finance lessons from harry potter

Yep, I finished the last Harry Potter book at 2:30 pm on Saturday (I’m a quick reader). What can the tales of bespectacled quidditch seeker teach us about personal finance?

Parents should make a will to provide for their children in the event of their untimely demise - as Harry’s mum and dad did.
Its not about how [...]

thank crunchie its friday

I like food.
I particularly like the food on Fridays because at work on a Friday we have a breakfast sandwich round. I often (but not always) partake of these because I am very fond of bacon sandwiches and it feels quite decadent to order out for food and have it delivered to work. Its actually [...]

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