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This category contains 71 posts

what motivates you financially?

Lots of people suggest that the best way to motivate yourself is to have a big goal. You know, like a house that you want to buy, or a vacation that you want to take. You’re supposed to picture yourself doing it and then ask whether you want the house/vacation/whatever more than the pair [...]

impressing people

I’ve been reading the simple dollar again, in particular a post about impressing people. It starts like this:
Imagine, just for a moment, that you find yourself on a desert island with just you and four or five of your closest friends and relatives - the people you care about the most in this world. The [...]

feminism is actually quite important to me

I’m a feminist. And, what’s worse I can be a little bit judgemental about it.
and the kind of feminist I am?…
I feel a little bit sad inside every time a woman mentions their name change after marriage. I don’t understand the obsession with comingled finances and shared bank accounts - an option, maybe but the [...]

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