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This category contains 98 posts

carnival of personal finance no.12 is up

The new carnival of personal finance is up at frugal law student. There is a submission from plonkee money on british slang.
My favourite other submission is how frugal should you be when hosting guests? @ family finance blog.
Go check out the rest of the carnival.

111th carnival of personal finance - glastonbury edition

We’re in England, its summer, its raining, it must be music festival season. The undisputed king of British music festivals is the Glastonbury Festival and so in honour of this auspicious time of year, this weeks carnival of personal finance has a Glastonbury theme.
Whilst I’ve got your undivided attention, a little advertising from your host. [...]

109th carnival of personal finance is up

Go check out the 109th carnival of personal finance at mint. They list each of the first posts of everyone who contributed - hopefully you’ll all do what I did and ignore that since my first post was rubbish.
Anyway, my favourite three reminders are:

be credit smart: be aware of the larry rule @ smart money daily reminds us [...]

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