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Archive for March, 2008

basic guide to Stocks and Shares ISAs: introduction

For a while now, I’ve had a trickle of requests for a basic guide to investing in Stocks and Shares ISAs. As I want to go through things carefully, I’ve split all the details into several different parts, starting with thinking about yourself and what you want with the money, and moving into what there [...]

pfblogsround 9th March 2008

Quick roundup of some of the best personal finance posts of the last week:

from the carnival of personal finance we have college the poor kids way - I don’t especially agree with RacerX’s position, but it sounds like he’s forced to choose between paying for his kids’ college and retiring, which is of course no [...]

thanks to my february supporters

I’ve come back from having my hair cut a lot shorter. It’s amazing how a good haircut can make you look 10lbs lighter and 5 years younger. At £35 it’s not cheap, but it’s so worth it. Anyway, on with the show.
A big thank you to all the people who contributed to plonkee money’s success [...]

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