Paidtwice tagged me with a book meme, so here goes.
The meme is simple - grab the nearest book that has at least 123 pages, open it to page 123, and count down 5 sentences. Then, type the next three sentences here.
As I’m writing this, I’m at work, my nearest book is Getting Things Done by [...]
Check out rocket’s summary of our foreclosure project. All participants are here:
My Thoughts On This Whole Mortgage Crisis And Why I Don’t Feel That Bad @ My Two Dollars
Why renting is right for us right now @ Mrs. Micah
Why We Have an Adjustable Rate Mortgage @ My Dollar Plan
Debt-To-Income Ratio and Why It Matters @ [...]
Lately, I’ve been incredibly tired, due to being so busy at work. I think that I’ve got on average 6 days of work a week until the end of the financial year in March, with every possibility of it all being extended.
This is a problem, because I only have five days a week, and a [...]