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This category contains 43 posts

five personal finance lessons from harry potter

Yep, I finished the last Harry Potter book at 2:30 pm on Saturday (I’m a quick reader). What can the tales of bespectacled quidditch seeker teach us about personal finance?

Parents should make a will to provide for their children in the event of their untimely demise - as Harry’s mum and dad did.
Its not about how [...]

end of first ever plonkee money competition

Its the end of the competition.
I’ll be announcing the winner once they’ve made their choice and I’ll be celebrating the great entries I’ve received.

five steps: step 4 insure yourself adequately and no more

This is the fourth in an irregular series on the five steps to solid wealth. Step 1 was spending less than you earn, step 2 was paying off consumer debt, step 3 was to grow an emergency savings account. Step 4 is to insure yourself adequately and no more. I’ll discuss the areas in which [...]

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