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This category contains 18 posts

planning for retirement: 3 simple steps

Start now.
Invest in something sensible.
Repeat step 2 a lot until you get enough to retire on

start now
If you haven’t got any retirement plans in place, then do something about that today.  None of us are getting younger, and we all need to make plans as soon as possible.
invest in something sensible
Do no invest in something [...]

my least bad and least good financial decisions

This is part of the m-network’s day of posts on our best and worst financial decisions. Both my best and worst decisions are related to pensions.
best decision
I started pension (retirement) fund contributions as soon as I started work and I’ve consistently invested them in index funds.
Why is this my best decision?

Starting earlier is always better [...]

baby boomer with no pension: options

The ‘baby boom’ took place between 1945 and about 1960 (approximately) and the boomers will be approaching retirement shortly. If you’re a boomer and you have no (or very little) pension in place, what should you be doing?
Having established how much you are currently entitled to, and what additional assistance the government might be offering [...]

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