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This category contains 18 posts

expat finances - National Insurance and State Pensions

I could have sworn that I’d written a very similar post to this before, but I couldn’t find it. In any case, I get asked quite a few questions about expat finances from British people living overseas (especially the US) and I know that a few readers are expats living in the UK. I thought this information - whose discovery [...]

working after retirement

Chris emailed me the following question:
Can my company insist on my retirement at state retirement age or do I have the right to continue my employment?

The answer I’ve found (via the TUC) is that unfortunately, yes, your employer can insist that you retire at state retirement age, but only if the company’s normal retirement age [...]

retirement in the UK

This post was written as part of the M-Network’s Money Matters for All Ages project. See the bottom of this article for the full list of participants and links to their articles.

If you’re anything like me, no matter how much you love your job, you don’t want to keep working there until you drop dead. [...]

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