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This category contains 71 posts

making money whilst i sleep

I’m tired at the moment, and I know that I’ve got a long day tomorrow. For this reason its very comforting to remember that whilst I sleep, I’m earning money on my savings, and in the long run, I should be earning money on my investments (even my house). Aaah, behold the miracle of compound [...]

recognising pressure

This post was inspired by cleverdude’s currently running series Examining Motives.
I have several Muslim friends. Some are devout, they pray five times a day and have made the Hajj. Others are observant, they don’t drink alcohol and they attend mosques on holy days. Yet others are almost entirely unobservant, they drink alcohol and live with [...]

what is the one of the most important skills you need for good personal finance?

Seriously, the skill that you learnt in primary school (or earlier if you are precocious) is one of the important ingredients you need to improve your finances. Most of the information you will ever learn about finances will be in the form of the written word, reading is, of course, the key that unlocks this [...]

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