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This category contains 71 posts

foreign family finance

Well, I’ve come back from visiting family in Ireland. On balance I almost made money on the trip. I spent €46 getting from Dublin to the middle of nowhere, where my extended family live, and then about another €60 all told on drinks. Food and accommodation on the weekend itself were family provided, which I [...]

sadly, we don’t have time machines, but we can start now

One of the themes that I’ve noticed in my thinking about personal finance lately lately has been the lack of availability of time machines.

When anyone says, “you should have / shouldn’t have done this” I always want to point out that to my knowledge there are no time machines. We cannot go back and undo [...]

working on feeling poor

The other week, I wrote about my love of house magazines, and how I’m frittering away money on them.
Lots of you had some great suggestions to save me money - I’m going to look into a cheap subscription to my favourite magazine, and I’m already checking out more online resources.
Llama for brains had, amongst other [...]

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