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This category contains 98 posts

i’ve guested at free money finance

A guest post of mine is up at Free Money Finance. I filled in the usual Sunday slot on ‘The Bible and Money’ with a post not so much involving the bible (I’m a non-believer) but about giving. You should all go over and check it out - there aren’t many comments at the moment [...]

guest article @ money smart life

I’ve written a guest article that’s been posted on money smart life on pyramid investment schemes. If you’re interested, head on over and check it out. You might also want to revisit the rest of the site, which is really quite good.

plonkee competition winner

The winner of the first ever plonkee money competition is cleverdude. He was drawn out of the hat (actually a spud trooper helmet) and has elected to receive a gift certificate for amazon.com which will be winging its way to him shortly.
From his entry, the reasons that donating to charity improves his well being are:

supporting [...]

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