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This category contains 30 posts

property prices and growth

The couple opposite me had their house for sale for ages. Months and months and months. It finally sold in March to an investment buyer, and it’s currently rented out.
Interestingly, it’s quite easy to find out the prices that houses have been selling for in an area if you use the website houseprices.co.uk. The information [...]

more on moving for a lower cost of living

I posted the other day on whether you would consider moving for a lower cost of living, and in response to me and a commentator names Jerry, guinness416 wrote the following comment:
Yeah, I agree people move for opportunities Jerry but that’s the point - you have to have something to move TO rather than just [...]

would you move for a lower cost of living?

So last week I compared the amount that I’d be taxed if I lived in Wisconsin, with the amount that I actually am taxed living in the UK. Many people astutely pointed out that the cost of living is somewhat lower in Wisconsin. I have absolutely no doubt that they are right.
Where I live the [...]

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