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This category contains 17 posts

where did my money go last year?

Whilst I was working out my net worth, it occurred to me that I could consider all the money that I made last year and try to figure out where it got spent. Note that everything below is approximate.
Coming in to my bank accounts, in 2007 I had:

Job - £26,000 ($52,000)
Stock Option - £14,000 ($48,000)
Gifts [...]

planning for christmas presents

So, this is a good time to start thinking about buying Christmas gifts for your nearest and dearest. As the purveyor of stories about personal finance, you might think that I had no time for giving away my wealth in the form of expensive Christmas presents. You’d be half right. I set a great deal [...]

cash burns a hole in my pocket

I think I’m doing pretty well on the frugality side. I’ve trained myself not to spend money using a card. For my general spending, I have a cash only budget - this is supposed to cover food, entertainment and everything that comes under miscellaneous. For actual purchases, clothes, household items, gadgets and gizmos I use [...]

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