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plonkee has written 579 posts for plonkee money

house prices, bubbles, and investment returns

I was tidying up my desk the other day and found some old work-related magazines. In the April 2007 edition of Mathematics Today (I know, I’m a geek - I swear it’s going to end up on Have I Got News for You one day) there was an article about investing. It was mostly about [...]

impressing people

I’ve been reading the simple dollar again, in particular a post about impressing people. It starts like this:
Imagine, just for a moment, that you find yourself on a desert island with just you and four or five of your closest friends and relatives - the people you care about the most in this world. The [...]

7 ideas for maximising your career

Now, I mentioned that I’ve recently been promoted. I don’t think that any of these ideas are the reason why I was promoted. I was told that I needed to develop a certain skill, I was given the opportunity to do so and I proved that I could, simple as. On the other hand, careers [...]

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