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plonkee has written 579 posts for plonkee money

panic not - even a recession has opportunities

Capitalism thrives in anarchy.
Zimbabwe is not the worlds best run economy. Official inflation runs at the millions of percents per annum and unofficial estimates put it in the billions. A teachers monthly salary would struggle to buy five loaves and two fishes, which still requires a miracle to make large numbers if meals from. [...]

the 11th day of Christmas: 11 ways to decorate more frugally

Yay, it’s nearly Christmas. Which means it’s time for the 2nd annual m-network 12 days of Christmas thingummyjig. And I foolishly volunteered for day 11 - apparently when we planned this I said I wanted a challenge.
Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful
William Morris

So, [...]

a little something on the side?

side income sources are more popular than you think
I work in a team of around 21 people, including myself. Of those 21 people, seven (that I know of) have source of income aside from their jobs. Three are landlords, two are basically ebay dealers, and the other has a custom printing business (and there’s me, [...]

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