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Archive for October, 2008

blog action day - poverty

Does everyone else find that it’s easy to identify other people’s problems?
I was talking to an Aussie and a Yank last week and we were discussing politics, or rather our respective political systems and parties. The Aussie mentioned that she’d voted for Kevin Rudd in their last elections and was absolutely delighted that he’d given [...]

house prices, bubbles, and investment returns

I was tidying up my desk the other day and found some old work-related magazines. In the April 2007 edition of Mathematics Today (I know, I’m a geek - I swear it’s going to end up on Have I Got News for You one day) there was an article about investing. It was mostly about [...]

impressing people

I’ve been reading the simple dollar again, in particular a post about impressing people. It starts like this:
Imagine, just for a moment, that you find yourself on a desert island with just you and four or five of your closest friends and relatives - the people you care about the most in this world. The [...]

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