I’m not sure how widely the case of John and Anne Darwin has been reported outside the UK, but I think it veers between farce and tragedy.
Six years ago, the Darwins were facing bankruptcy so in stupid idea number 1 they somehow decided that John should fake his death in a canoeing accident whilst his [...]
So, there is a post on WWII rationing from broke ass student in the carnival of personal finance. It reminded me of this absolutely awesome book that I purchased a couple of months ago called How to Run Your Home Without Help. It was written in the late 1940s by the editor of Good Housekeeping, [...]
Great posts that I’ve been holding on to in my reader for a while, you should check them out. If I think they’re good then maybe you will too.
what other people will pay for @ indebt.net - if others will pay for it and you will do it, then maybe there’s some money in it [...]