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Archive for October, 2007

why don’t equal prices seem equal?

For the last few months, a friend of mine has been running a series of classical music concerts. They feature professional chamber music and take place on Friday evenings at 6pm. So far, I’ve been only once, to see a string quartet, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
The main reason that I don’t go more often is [...]

dave ramsey gives bad advice

Funnily enough, Dave Ramsey isn’t big in the UK. I doubt that many people have ever heard of him, I certainly hadn’t before I started reading personal finance blogs. As you might have guessed by my response to the meme, if I were debt free… I’m not really a fan. I don’t think his advice [...]

5 frugal things about autumn

Well, by the time I get home from work, its dark already; it’s absolutely freezing in my bedroom because the radiator needs bleeding and some idiot thinks it’s bonfire night already and has set fireworks off every night this week. Autumn is officially here.
I’ll try not to be too gloomy and look on the bright [...]

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