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Archive for June, 2007

interview part 4: lessons learned

My posts concerning interviewing Christopher Traulsen from Morningstar UK have turned into a� bit of a trilogy in four parts. (See part 1, part 2, and part 3.) In this post I’m going to write about what I’ve learned from speaking to him.
First the things that are interesting but don’t help me with my [...]

guest post at five cent nickel

I’m guest posting right now on five cent nickel. The guest post is called extended travel abroad for the young. I know, its not a very snappy title, but I was fresh out of inspiration after I’d written the post.
If you’ve headed over here because you like what you’ve read on five cent nickel, take [...]

interview part 3: information for investors

This is the third part of my interview with Christopher Traulsen of Morningstar UK. The first part can be found here and the second part here.
In the final part of my interview we talked about what could be done to improve the level of investing knowledge in the UK. He suggested that fund managers could [...]

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