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This category contains 43 posts

remember to shop around for life insurance

Did you know that if you’re a single man (as in unmarried / not in a civil partnership) you will typically be asked to take an HIV test if you wish to insure your own life for more than £300k?
For all women and married men, the relevant figure rises to £1m. As no data currently [...]

trying to divorce, stuck with the house

As with most people you get to know, there are some things that you probably don’t know about me. Some of those things are unimportant - you probably didn’t already know that I’m a supporter of Liverpool Football Club, or that I have a major snake phobia (to the extent that writing that word makes [...]

best financial move in college - meme

I’ve seen a lot of people writing about the silly things that they did in college, like take out approximately a gazillion pounds worth of student loans, or take out a credit card so they could get a (sadly, uncool)
free t-shirt.
I don’t think students are always that dumb. In particular, I don’t think you were [...]

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