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This category contains 43 posts

thinking about liking jobs

I seem to mention a lot that I enjoy my job. And it’s true. I don’t really love it every day, but 95% of the time it’s great and the other 5% it’s still passable.
What makes me happy about my job?
I work for a good company, it’s actually won awards basically for being a nice [...]

stay at home parenting is costly

The costs of being a stay at home parent are very real, and it is not something to be entered into lightly. When a man decides to stay at home to look after his offspring, he is of course sacrificing his current earning potential. Should he later decide to return to the workforce, after several [...]

lessons from the train

I was on the train going to a business meeting the other day. I was sitting in one of those seats that are arranged in a four, with a table in the middle, and two men came and sat next to me. I tend to be a shameless eavesdropper (well, I couldn’t really help but [...]

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