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This category contains 43 posts

five steps: step 1 spend less than you earn

This is the second in an irregular series on the five steps to solid wealth.
Step 1, not spending more than you earn is the true key to being wealthy, in that if you do not follow step 1, I can guarantee that you will not be wealthy.

To establish whether or not you spend more than [...]

the five steps to solid wealth: part 0

I’m going to be writing an irregular series on the five steps to solid wealth. These are the things that I think cover everything you need to do to become comfortably well off.
Spend less than you earnPay off consumer debtGrow an emergency savings accountInsure yourself adequately and no moreInvest in the future

misunderstanding pensions

I’m an avid reader of money makeovers and discussions individual personal finances and I’m struck by how often people say that they don’t trust pensions. I realise that this is affected strongly by the private pensions mis-selling scandal and the collapse of Equitable Life. And it’s certainly true that lots of pension funds have been [...]

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