Yesterday a most unusual event occurred. In conversation with a couple of people that I know, it transpired that one of them had just made their will, the other one hadn’t. This is unusual because in my normal life, people don’t discuss their personal financial affairs with me.
I’m a little concerned about the guy [...]
In the UK, there are several different types of pensions, split into two groups:
occupational pensions
defined benefit = final salary
defined contribution = money purchase
private pensions
personal pensions
stakeholder pensions
self-invested personal pensions
Occupational pensions are run on behalf of the employer, often by an insurance company such as Standard Life. You can generally contribute via salary sacrifice and often the [...]
This is the third in an irregular series on the five steps to solid wealth. Step 1 was spending less than you earn. Step 2, paying off consumer debt is generally (but not always) necessary to ensure solid wealth because consumer debt is expensive. It certainly puts you in the right mindset of not paying [...]