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This category contains 36 posts

what to wear to a 3 day business conference?

Enough of this feminist nonsense, let’s talk about something exciting like clothes .
the problem
For my day job, I’m presenting a paper at a professional conference. It’s a 3 day event and it’s far enough away that I need to fly, I’ll be checking in to the conference hotel the night before. The programme is [...]

avoiding shopping temptation?

Several months ago I was impulsive. I booked a trip to Egypt and then when my friend asked me if I wanted to go to the Oktoberfest in Munich. Within the next two months, I’ll have been on two trips. Both of these are things that I can afford to do, just about. But I [...]

what is good to do in New York?

My sister and her boyfriend are going to New York in a few weeks, and I promised that I’d ask whether anyone had any tips, or ideas for things that they might want to do whilst they’re out there.
I guess that they’ll want to see tourist-y things, and she’s not into personal finance, but loves clothes. [...]

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