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This category contains 13 posts

spiders and savings

I would like to tell you about my foolproof method for getting rid of spiders. Pick them up with a couple of magazines  and then throw them outside. Do not however do this in a manner that causes the spider to somehow get caught up in your hair. Its a very unpleasant experience to run [...]

what is an isa?

ISA stands for Individual Savings Account, a partial misnomer because whilst some ISAs are indeed savings accounts, others are not. An ISA is actually a wrapper round something else (a bit like a gift-wrapped present, the present is the more important thing).
An ISA can be one of two things

a savings account
an investment account

The sorts of [...]

understanding of inflation rising?

According to an article in the Independent people have a greater understanding of inflation than they used to and so invest in ‘inflation beating’ savings from NS&I. Well that is good news, although I’m a little shocked at a couple of things in the article. Firstly that in the summer of 1975, inflation was running [...]

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