I’ve just been reading a Wealth Check in the Independent. Its one of those things where they take someone’s current financial position and three or four experts offer their advice.
I’m so annoyed at the final piece of advice that they’ve given the woman, on her retirement and pensions. All the experts quite rightly say [...]
Some days, I look back and wonder what exactly I’m saving and investing for. I don’t have any great goals. I don’t have any (or any desire for any) children to put through college. I have the money already for my first house and if my circumstances didn’t alter, I’d never need to move. I [...]
As I wrote earlier, I have been considering transferring my stakeholder pension to a self-invested personal pension (SIPP).
My basic investing philosophy at the moment is to put all my equity investments in index tracking funds, so currently I have a stakeholder pension invested entirely in a fund tracking the FTSE All Share index. The whole [...]