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This category contains 71 posts

boomerangs - try to get rid of them and they keep coming back

Have you heard the term, boomerang kid? It’s what you call people that move out of their parents home (typically to attend college) and then later move back in. Presumably the will move out permanently at some point.
To be honest, I don’t really get it - but I know people that do.
There are two ways [...]

where you live affects how much money you have

It should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with the property market in the United Kingdom, that it’s not a cheap place to live. In fact, it’s a pretty expensive place overall - the cheapest area of the country (the North) still has an average home price of about £150k (in US$ that would [...]

stupidity costs us our dreams

It’s the stupid things that cost you money in the long run.
Yesterday evening, I left my house keys at work. I’ve done this before, but I normally realise about half way there - it takes me 50 minutes to walk home. This time, I got all the way to the front door before realising.  To [...]

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