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This category contains 71 posts

my one money advice

Moolanomy wants to know what my one money advice is.
Know yourself.
I realise it doesn’t sound� that money related, but bear with me. If you don’t really understand your habits, then you will end up spending more than you make. If you don’t really understand your risk profile they you will end up with the wrong [...]

planning for weddings when you are single

Ramit @ i will teach you to be rich has written a post about how you should save up for your wedding since it is likely to cost a fortune. Fine, that makes perfect reasonable sense. However, I think he’s actually saying that if you are in your early - mid twenties you should start [...]

other people’s money

Does anyone else feel distinctly uncomfortable when other people talk about money?
I don’t mean people making bad money decisions, as much as people that make a lot less money that you do. For example, I earn a reasonable amount of money, pretty much the market rate in a good but not especially lucrative field - [...]

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