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This category contains 71 posts

it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep

Mrs. Micah is running a post on the best personal finance practices you’ve read this year, and this is mine. In many ways it’s a restatement of the old adage to spend less than you earn (or earn more than you spend). But I think it adds a nice flavour.
However much we make, we can [...]

too late to have an expensive Christmas?

Planning for Christmas is a lot like planning for retirement. The earlier you start saving, the more money you will have to work with. It’s also the case that the later you start saving, the more you will need to scale back your monetary plans.
If you haven’t got a stash of money hidden away for [...]

using fad toys to educate children

Trent from the simple dollar, recently posted about tactics for getting the “it” toy for your child for Christmas, and a lot of commentators stated that had no intention of being suckered into the marketing around the year’s must have toy. In response, he also posted about why he thinks that getting the “it” [...]

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