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This category contains 98 posts

106th carnival of personal finance

Its the 106th carnival of personal finance hosted by the silicon valley blogger. There’s a massive number of submissions for you to flick through so get a nice cuppa and head over for a good long read.

guest post at five cent nickel

I’m guest posting right now on five cent nickel. The guest post is called extended travel abroad for the young. I know, its not a very snappy title, but I was fresh out of inspiration after I’d written the post.
If you’ve headed over here because you like what you’ve read on five cent nickel, take [...]

special 105th carnival of personal finance

There is a special edition of the carnival of personal finance being hosted by jd at get rich slowly. Each of the contributors has been asked to submit their best post of the last two years - in celebration of the second anniversary of the carnival.
The carnival itself appears to have the theme of a very [...]

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