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This category contains 30 posts

plonkee bought a house

Well, after a few short panics I’m the very proud owner of a tiny little two bedroom terraced house.
The panics were caused by my solicitor’s assistant who didn’t notice that the money had transferred overnight to them to pay for the property. She then phoned me three times and left urgent messages for me at [...]

overpaying your mortgage or investing for retirement part 2

Free Money Finance posted earlier on whether it is better to invest for retirement or pay off your mortgage earlier, and I posted earlier about which of these strategies is likely to result in a larger financial gain. (The answer was generally to invest for retirement).
Thinking now about which strategy will be easier to set [...]

overpaying the mortgage or investing for retirement part 1

Free Money Finance posted earlier on whether it is better to invest for retirement or pay off your mortgage earlier.
I think that there are two sides to this. The first is which strategy - if stuck with - will result in the larger financial gain. The second, is which strategy is easier to maintain.
Lets think [...]

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