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banking and economics

This category contains 17 posts

how do you prefer to exchange currency?

I’ve mentioned before that I’m off to Washington DC at the end of the month. Although in my day to day life, I’m not especially frugal, I am a bit of a budget traveller. For 6 days in DC I plan to spend about $400, to include all food and accommodation.
The big question is, how [...]

improving protection for savers

It was announced yesterday that Alastair Darling, Chancellor of the Exchequer plans for 100% of the first £35k of customer’s savings to be guaranteed in the event of a bank failure.  This is clearly in the wake of the Northern Rock crisis, although as I heard it they probably wouldn’t have needed the services of [...]

should you withdraw your money from northern rock?

According to the BBC, �1bn was withdrawn from Northern Rock yesterday, after the announcement that the bank has applied to the Bank of England for emergency credit. Apparently, people have been queuing since 6 o’clock this morning to withdraw all the money from their savings accounts.
As it happens, I don’t have any money in a [...]

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