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plonkee has written 579 posts for plonkee money

sunk cost fallacy

Once you’ve irrevocably paid for something you should take that into account when considering what to do next.
Err. No.
Once the money (or time or effort) is gone, then it’s gone. There’s no point in worrying about this.
I was on a great forum the other day for people who are interested in playing classical music. In [...]

keeping down the Smiths

Less worry about what other people are doing.
If there’s one thing that’s more foolish than attempting to keep up with the Joneses, it’s trying to make sure that the Smiths can’t keep up with you.
I was out at dinner last night, and the conversation turned to my least favourite subject - immigrants are stealing all [...]

the importance of looking at fees

I’m a maths graduate. This means that inevitably I know a lot of people who work in finance. I was talking to one the other day, and he said that one of the things they’re working on at the moment is looking at the projections that they use for investment returns in their marketing brochures. [...]

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