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plonkee has written 579 posts for plonkee money

money isn’t the same in my head

Isn’t it funny how not all money is the same?
Now I know with my intellectual maths graduate brain that money is fungible - which is just a fancy way of saying that it’s all the same. £1 is worth £1, and $1 is worth $1.
But you wouldn’t think it to look at how I actually [...]

frugal films: going to the cinema for less

This last week, I’ve spent £16 on cinema tickets, and seen three films. I caught the new Transformers film at the weekend, in London and the tickets were £10. I saw two films at the local foreign language film club in the same evening, for a total of £6. The films were Spanish, and pretty [...]

pensions are investments

You shouldn’t take financial advice from a Baptist minister.
I was listening to Radio 4’s Thought for the Day earlier on, where a Baptist minister was talking about the sensible, risk averse people having to bail out the more foolish, risk takers. Bail outs are not universally popular, but one thing in particular that he said [...]

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