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plonkee has written 579 posts for plonkee money

credit in the credit crunch

The thing that caused the current financial crisis, appears to have been a bubble, much like the tech stocks bubble, or the tulip bubble. Of course, we would be the ones ending up living through another financial system bubble (like the one in 1923 or 1873).
During a bubble everyone pays over the odds for some [...]

is a career in the army a good idea?

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about her 18 year old son, who’s just begun the final year of his A-Levels and so will be finishing school in the summer. Apparently, he doesn’t want to go to University and so is thinking about joining the army. Although she’s not very [...]

blog action day - poverty

Does everyone else find that it’s easy to identify other people’s problems?
I was talking to an Aussie and a Yank last week and we were discussing politics, or rather our respective political systems and parties. The Aussie mentioned that she’d voted for Kevin Rudd in their last elections and was absolutely delighted that he’d given [...]

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