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Archive for October, 2008

7 ideas for maximising your career

Now, I mentioned that I’ve recently been promoted. I don’t think that any of these ideas are the reason why I was promoted. I was told that I needed to develop a certain skill, I was given the opportunity to do so and I proved that I could, simple as. On the other hand, careers [...]

you can have a job that you like

People take the mickey out of media studies graduates in the UK. I think the equivalent in the US is probably the English major syndrome. I know nothing about the career possibilities of either subject, but I do know that just because Joe Bloggs in the street can’t think of what you might do with [...]

i got a promotion…

…but it’s not going to make me rich.
In my company promotions at the staff level happen exactly twice a year. 1st April and 1st October. They arrive in little white envelopes usually hand delivered by team leaders. When Wednesday came and went and no one asked for a quick word, I assumed that I’d missed [...]

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