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Archive for July, 2008

ask the readers: what should I do with my bonus?

So, I came back from a business trip to London the other day, to find a letter from work waiting for me. Naturally, I instantly assumed that they’d twigged that I’m an imposter and I would be getting the sack. Not so. I’ve been awarded a discretionary bonus of £500 (approx $1000).Now, get your thinking [...]

husbands and wives - debts, taxes and responsibility

I was inspired by Mrs. Micah’s post on whether, in America, husbands and wives are responsible for the other parties debts. It looks like in the States, a married couple is jointly responsibly for each other’s debts if they were acquired (without fraud) after marriage. I figured that the law in the UK would be [...]

what do you think of your higher education?

The city that I live in has a university. Actually, it has more than one, and I think it has a couple of university colleges as well. This means that most of the year there are students about, both in the two main student ghettos and sometimes in the city centre as well.
Now that it’s [...]

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