The credit crisis, what am I missing?
Apparently, there’s a credit crisis on at the moment. Banks are finding it difficult to raise money on the markets, and (as they do) they are passing on that difficulty to us. Or in other words, banks are finding it harder to borrow money, and so in turn they [...]
Today, we of the M-Network are doing a series on holidaying (vacationing, apparently to Yanks). Frugal tips, ideas, experiences, personal accounts…everything. Check out the other M-Network blogs for more.
Backpacking in this context isn’t particularly about camping, but travelling (or touring) round multiple destinations in the same continent making heavy use of public transport, especially trains [...]
Excited to say that I made the best of the debt section in the carnival of personal finance @ moolanomy. It has 98 articles for your perusal. If you’re a blogger and you want to be in the carnival check out the homepage, read the rules, and then submit.