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Archive for April, 2008

giving and the gift economy

Far too frequently I fantasise about winning Who Wants to be a Millionaire? (not the lottery, I understand basic probability). My current thoughts are that with the money I would invest about half of it (maybe pay off the mortgage, the rest probably in index funds). The other half of it, I’d be giving away.
Only about [...]

stupidity costs us our dreams

It’s the stupid things that cost you money in the long run.
Yesterday evening, I left my house keys at work. I’ve done this before, but I normally realise about half way there - it takes me 50 minutes to walk home. This time, I got all the way to the front door before realising.  To [...]

Kiyosaki’s rich dad, poor dad: a book review

A while ago, I said that I would review Robert Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I’ve been a little snowed under recently, so this book review is coming out later than I’d have liked. Never mind.
It’s difficult to exactly describe this book. It’s subitled What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money - That [...]

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