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pfblogsround 9th March 2008

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Quick roundup of some of the best personal finance posts of the last week:

  • from the carnival of personal finance we have college the poor kids way - I don’t especially agree with RacerX’s position, but it sounds like he’s forced to choose between paying for his kids’ college and retiring, which is of course no choice at all
  • a decent standard of living @ wisebread - make your own decisions about what’s necessary for a decent standard of living and don’t buy into everyone else’s choices
  • my friend @ rocket finance is moving to Colorado to take up an exciting new job, it’s taking him a little out of his comfort zone, but from what I’ve heard, it’s a passion of his

That’s all I’ve got time for today - next week is the exciting stocks and shares ISA guide.

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6 comments for “pfblogsround 9th March 2008”

  1. Thanks for the link! Glad you read RF.

    Posted by rocketc | March 9, 2008, 8:29 pm
  2. Hullo Plonkee!

    Am a longtime reader of your wonderful blog, but don’t comment often. I am in a big quandory as to what to do with next years ISA allowance. I am tempted by all the new products offered by Natwest, Kent Reliance, Barclays, Abbey and so on. I already have an ISA from last year (my first!) with Barclays that I managed to top up to the maximum capacity the last two tax years. Now I wonder whether to keep topping it up even though the interest will go down to about 5.5% (which isn’t that different from a lot of the new ISAs) or just leave it alone and open a new one? I also wondered if this means you can open a new ISA every tax year as long as you don’t top up your old ones.

    I know these are a lot of questions! If you have time, please let me know your thoughts. I was hoping you could use one or two as a base for a ISA special (and I’m looking forward to the stocks and shares blog!) :)

    Thanks again Plonkee :)


    Thanks again

    Posted by Kerstin Doe | March 10, 2008, 1:00 pm
  3. I meant to say thanks again just once!

    Posted by Kerstin Doe | March 10, 2008, 1:02 pm
  4. Thanks for the mention. Whether you agree or not with the position, it is great that you read through it! It is really a personal choice, but one I feel should be really considered and not automatic.

    Posted by RacerX | March 10, 2008, 6:38 pm

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