Quick roundup of some of the best personal finance posts of the last week:
from the carnival of personal finance we have college the poor kids way - I don’t especially agree with RacerX’s position, but it sounds like he’s forced to choose between paying for his kids’ college and retiring, which is of course no choice at all
a decent standard of living @ wisebread - make your own decisions about what’s necessary for a decent standard of living and don’t buy into everyone else’s choices
my friend @ rocket finance is moving to Colorado to take up an exciting new job, it’s taking him a little out of his comfort zone, but from what I’ve heard, it’s a passion of his
That’s all I’ve got time for today - next week is the exciting stocks and shares ISA guide.
Am a longtime reader of your wonderful blog, but don’t comment often. I am in a big quandory as to what to do with next years ISA allowance. I am tempted by all the new products offered by Natwest, Kent Reliance, Barclays, Abbey and so on. I already have an ISA from last year (my first!) with Barclays that I managed to top up to the maximum capacity the last two tax years. Now I wonder whether to keep topping it up even though the interest will go down to about 5.5% (which isn’t that different from a lot of the new ISAs) or just leave it alone and open a new one? I also wondered if this means you can open a new ISA every tax year as long as you don’t top up your old ones.
I know these are a lot of questions! If you have time, please let me know your thoughts. I was hoping you could use one or two as a base for a ISA special (and I’m looking forward to the stocks and shares blog!)
Thanks for the mention. Whether you agree or not with the position, it is great that you read through it! It is really a personal choice, but one I feel should be really considered and not automatic.
Thanks for the link! Glad you read RF.
Hullo Plonkee!
Am a longtime reader of your wonderful blog, but don’t comment often. I am in a big quandory as to what to do with next years ISA allowance. I am tempted by all the new products offered by Natwest, Kent Reliance, Barclays, Abbey and so on. I already have an ISA from last year (my first!) with Barclays that I managed to top up to the maximum capacity the last two tax years. Now I wonder whether to keep topping it up even though the interest will go down to about 5.5% (which isn’t that different from a lot of the new ISAs) or just leave it alone and open a new one? I also wondered if this means you can open a new ISA every tax year as long as you don’t top up your old ones.
I know these are a lot of questions! If you have time, please let me know your thoughts. I was hoping you could use one or two as a base for a ISA special (and I’m looking forward to the stocks and shares blog!)
Thanks again Plonkee
Thanks again
I meant to say thanks again just once!
Thanks for the mention. Whether you agree or not with the position, it is great that you read through it! It is really a personal choice, but one I feel should be really considered and not automatic.