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Archive for December, 2007

welcome and heads up

Welcome to everyone who’s come over from my guest post on money and security at get rich slowly. On my right hand sidebar, you can see links to some of my most popular posts, and you can also check out some more of the best of plonkee money. If you like what you read, why [...]

celebrating a frugal Christmas

Aside from the frenzy of gift buying, and the over consumption of food, many things about the Christmas season can actually be done pretty frugally.
Christmas carols
Many, many churches will be holding Christmas carol services throughout December, some aimed at children, others more at adults. It’s a great way to put yourself into the festive mood [...]

how do you balance eating out and frugality?

The other night we all went out for a celebratory company paid meal, bookended by drinks in the pub paid for by ourselves. I think I got home before 3 in the morning, and I wasn’t the last person to leave, so you can imagine that it was a bit of a session.
This was a [...]

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