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Archive for September, 2007

does a career plan matter?

I enjoy my job, it gives me a lot of satisfaction for various reasons, and I thoroughly recommend that everyone seeks to spend most of their waking time doing something they love. But is career progression really important?
I speak as a person that doesn’t really want to scale the ranks of management. I certainly derive [...]

new flash: northern rock in a cash crunch

Northern Rock has been bailed out by the Bank of England. Apparently, it needed to borrow money from the Bank of England because it couldn’t obtain credit on the market - a ripple effect of the sub-prime crisis in the States.

inflation is good…sometimes

I’ve always thought that the biggest benefit of having a mortgage rather than renting was likely to be in the slow eating away of the value of the mortgage payment by inflation.
Before I bought my new house, I was renting a smaller flat for �375 per month. I estimate that if I had stayed there [...]

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