Here are some of my favourite posts from the m-network this week:
clear out those wallets - here comes the all-in-one credit card machine @ financial dominance, what looks like the greatest invention of all time
don’t give to the poor? @ christian finance, should you, or should you not give money to people begging on the street?
and from elsewhere:
11 things Buffy taught me about frugality and simplicity @ living behind the curve, what can we learn from the greatest tv show of the late 90s / early 00s?
wwyd: speak now, or forever hold your peace? @ queercents, do you tell people that you think they making the biggest mistake of their lives?
the cheapskate guide: 50 tips for frugal living @ zen habits, bumper list of things to try out
i think they making the biggest mistake of their lives.thank u for sharing.