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Archive for August, 2007

yet another post about insurance

So I was talking to my fellow m-network members about insurance and I explained my foolproof method for determining whether you need a certain type of insurance. The key thing is not just how likely the bad thing is to happen, but the impact that it will have.
Its not the risk of dying that’s the [...]

pfblogsround midweek round up

Just a couple of posts that I feel the need to share midweek. Enjoy at your leisure.

 save money by watching what you feed @ punny money, go, read, and laugh until your sides ache
upgrading your home, want vs. need @ saving with me, check out what a variety of your favourite bloggers have said about [...]

choosing the less lucrative career

I really like my job. Its interesting, even fascinating. I feel like I help people. I use skills that I learnt in my degree. I am well respected, and to some extent a semi-expert. I get on well with all the people that I work with and I have an excellent relationship with clients. I [...]

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