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Archive for March, 2007

mentally spending a non-existant windfall

Recently I was lucky enough to receive a substantial windfall of shares. I knew about six months in advance what the likely amount of it would be and I planned to spend it mainly on a deposit for my first house.Having the time to decide how to spend it made me think that it might [...]

comparison of US and UK investment concepts

401(k) / 403(b) = defined contribution (dc) pension
A 401(k) or 403(b) is basically the same as a defined contribution or money purchase pension offered by an employer. In both cases, if you contribute, typically your employer will also contribute - this is typically referred to as an employer match. Also in both cases there [...]

carnival of personal finance post

This week’s carnival of personal finance is on site with Map Girl.

I’ve had a post included in Carnival Sideshow Two which I think is pretty cool.

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